Campers will enjoy the combination of fun,
adventure and learning during the weekly
sessions at Camp Haycroft.
Our facility is located on 35 acres in
the region of Vaughan, just south of King
City. Although we are within the town limits,
the property has all the features of the
great outdoors. Plus modern conveniences
and a professional riding program, taught
by qualified adult instructors.
At Camp Haycroft the kids will experience
daily rides and instruction in English riding
basics as well as practical horse &
stable care techniques. When the kids are
not riding, our instructors will conduct
interactive craft classes, outdoor excursions,
scavenger hunts, storytelling and many other
exciting activities to amuse and educate
the campers. Our programs and educational
sessions achieve an optimum balance between
fun and learning. Lunches, water, juices,
extra socks, shoes etc. should accompany
the camper daily.
Friday of each week is Parent’s Day.
Parents are invited to watch the children
ride between 2:30 pm and 4:00pm. This is
also a valuable time to support your child’s
accomplishments and participate with them.
Space is limited to 10 Campers per group.
Each group will have a Team Leader and Assistant
to monitor and direct the Campers through
their activities. Please book large groups
early to ensure dates are available.
To view our Camp Brochure, including dates
and fees, or to print off a Camp Application
form please click here:
Day Camp Summer 2005 Brochure (.pdf
file, size 118Kb)
Day Camp Summer 2005 Application (.pdf
file, size 35Kb)
To inquire for more information, please
email Phil Hay at